There are many ways to get involved with the Drinking Water Quality and Research Committee. Below are some of the opportunities available on the committee. If you are interested in learning more, please contact the Chair and/or Vice-Chair listed below.
If you are ready, willing, and able, there is a place for you on this committee!
- Newsletter Liaison: Work with Drinking Water Quality Committee Chair and VA AWWA Newsletter Editor to identify themes, suggest articles, identify and communicate with authors, and ensure that articles are submitted by deadlines.
- Article Writers: Prepare articles for VA AWWA Section Magazine (April and October issues).
- Website Liaison: Posting committee-related event information and photos and moderating the forum on Water Quality and Compliance.
- Regulatory Liaison: Keep Drinking Water Quality Committee updated on opportunities to comment on proposed state and federal regulations, regulatory issues or obstacles, etc.
- Seminar Local Arrangements Subcommittee: Handel local arrangements for Drinking Water Quality Seminar.
- Seminar Content Subcommittee: Develop program, contact speakers, handle event publicity.
- Issue Trackers: Keep committee posted on specific technical issues of current interest. Examples include: LT2ESWTR, LCR TCR, CCL, Stage 2 DPB/IDSE, Membranes, UV
- Other Committees Liaison: Keep committee posted on recent and future planned seminars, training events, special events, and activities of other Va AWWA committees to eliminate redundancy and to seek opportunities for productive collaboration, e.g., conducting regional seminars
- Accreditation Liaison: Work with VA AWWA Training Coordinator to ensure that all committee programs are well-planned, that appropriate credits (PDH, CUE, etc.) can be provided and that appropriate record-keeping is in place. Standing member of WQ Content Subcommittee.
- Annual Meeting Liaison: Keep committee informed of any coordination required with VA AWWA Annual Meeting/Program committee, and coordinate any related activity, such as review of abstracts
- Committee Treasurer: Work with Committee Chair and Seminar Local Arrangements Subcommittee to develop a budget for the committee annually
- Meeting Minutes Recorder: Take minutes of Committee meetings.
- Meeting Arrangements Coordinator: Host committee meetings and provide refreshments, in coordination with the committee chair and in keeping with committee budget.
- Special Event Coordinator: Will serve as subcommittee chair of 1 special activity to be determined, such as offering lunchtime speakers on water quality topic at regional activities meetings.
- Public information Liaison: Will develop draft statements on behalf of the Committee as needed to respond to issues of public interest, such as the drought, lead contamination, DBPs and miscarriages, or other issues; will coordinate with Public Information Committee