The VA AWWA Drinking Water Quality and Research Committee proudly presents
Uncharted Waters: Meeting New Challenges Head-On
Mark your calendar for a full-day seminar dedicated to exploring the forefront of drinking water quality challenges. This event will provide an in-depth look at emerging contaminants, regulatory complexities, and innovative approaches to managing and mitigating water quality issues that extend beyond traditional treatment processes. Attendees will gain valuable insights from industry experts, and explore strategies to safeguard public health in the face of evolving water quality concerns and the increase in known drinking water contaminants.
Join us as we navigate these uncharted waters together.
Please check back for the full program and schedule as it becomes available.
Topics to include:
Topics to include:
Occurrence and Removal of Microplastics Across Drinking Water Treatment Facilities in North America
Lithium as the next NPDWR - Don't Worry, Be Happy There Are Treatment Options!
Advanced Topics on Manganese Control in Surface Water Treatment Systems
Developing a Strategy for PFAS Management: Fairfax Water’s Dynamic Approach |
"Early Bird" rates valid through March 7, then regular rates apply:
- AWWA Member Rate- Early Bird $150, Regular $165
- Non-Member Rate- Early Bird $200, Regular $220
- Retirees- Early Bird $50, Regular $70
- Full-time Student- Early Bird $25, Regular $45
- Event Sponsorship- $200
Credits: 6 Water Operator CPEs/CECs for Professional Engineers expected.