Come for a day of learning and networking featuring topics such as maintenance, safety, best practices, and new technology.
5 Hours CECs for Professional Engineers | 5 hours CPEs for Water Operators.
This event will fill fast! Please contact event organizer for waiting list if needed.
Schedule (subject to changes)
8:00 am
Check In & Continental Breakfast (Provided by Consolidated Pipe)
Check In & Continental Breakfast (Provided by Consolidated Pipe)
8:30-9:30 am
Control Valves Made Easy As 1 2 3, Dave Burns - Core & Main
Control Valves Made Easy As 1 2 3, Dave Burns - Core & Main
This course will cover all aspects of function and design of control valves in distribution systems.
9:45- 11:45 am
Water System Hydraulics, Paula Moore & Brandon Flora - WRA
This course will cover the basics of water system hydraulics including pumping stations, storage tanks, and distribution systems.
Water System Hydraulics, Paula Moore & Brandon Flora - WRA
This course will cover the basics of water system hydraulics including pumping stations, storage tanks, and distribution systems.
12:00 pm – 1:00 pm
Lunch (Provided by Ferguson)
Lunch (Provided by Ferguson)
1:00-2:00 pm
Beyond the Meter: Technology to Improve Utility Decision Making, Pat Burke & Peter Hutchins - Ferguson
This course will discuss water meter technology, pressure management, leak detection, flow, and District Metered Areas.
Beyond the Meter: Technology to Improve Utility Decision Making, Pat Burke & Peter Hutchins - Ferguson
This course will discuss water meter technology, pressure management, leak detection, flow, and District Metered Areas.
2:15-3:15 pm
Pipe Cutting Safety, David Williams - Consolidated Pipe
This course will cover proper pipe cutting practices so everyone can go home safe at the end of the day.
Pipe Cutting Safety, David Williams - Consolidated Pipe
This course will cover proper pipe cutting practices so everyone can go home safe at the end of the day.
3:15 pm
Closing Remarks, Distribution Systems Committee
Closing Remarks, Distribution Systems Committee
Registration Fees
$85 Members
$125 Non-members
$50 Small System Rate **
$35 Retiree/Students
** Small Systems are classified as a public water system serving populations under 10,000 people